The s-Block Elements - Online Test

Q1. The s-block elements of the Periodic Table have only
Answer : Option C
Explaination / Solution:

s block comprises of only two groups alkali metal group and alkaline earth metal groups

Q2. Group I elements of the periodic table are collectively known as
Answer : Option D
Explaination / Solution:

Group I ( )elemens  react vigorously with water to produce an alkaline solution thus colectively known as alkali metals

Q3. Group IlA of the periodic table consists of the six elements are collectively known as
Answer : Option A
Explaination / Solution:

because their oxide and hydroxide are alkaline in nature and these metal oxide are found in earth's crust

Q4. One of the following is not called alkaline earth metal.
Answer : Option D
Explaination / Solution:

Alkaline earth metals are called so because of two reasons

  1. Alkaline earth metals are obtained on earth in the form of ores
  2. Oxides and hydroxides of Alkaline earth metals are basic in nature,

However Beryllium fulfills 1st reason but its oxides and hydroxides are amphoteric so sometimes they say it is not alkaline earth metal. but as it is amphoteric IUPAC has accepted this as alkaline earth metal

Q5. Calcium and Magnesium belong to the category of
Answer : Option B
Explaination / Solution:

calcium and megnesium are 2nd group element of periodic table which are obtaine on earth in the form ore, their oxides and hydroxide are alkaline in nature so they are alkaline earth metals

Q6. Sodium and potassium belong to the category of
Answer : Option B
Explaination / Solution:

Na and K are shiny, soft ,highly reactive metal at standard temprature and pressure and electronic configaration of Na & K  is ns2,,compounds of Na & K are available most aboundenty in nature so thees two are  alkali metal.

Q7. One of the following is highly radioactive
Answer : Option A
Explaination / Solution:

Fr is highly radioactive metal, that decays in to astatine,,radium and radon , it is also highly unstable element found only in trace amount on earth.

Q8. The diagonal relationship exists between
Answer : Option A
Explaination / Solution:

Lithium shows diagonal relationship to Magnisium due to their nearly same polarising power, comparable electronegativities(Li=1.00, Mg=1.20) and small difference in radius (Li=152Pm, Mg=159pm).

Q9. Monovalent sodium and potassium ions found in large proportions in biological fluids. They help in
Answer : Option A
Explaination / Solution:

Na and K ions help in transmission of nerve impulses , in regulating the flow of water accross the cell membranes and in the transport of sugar and amino acids in to cells. so monovalent sodium and potassium ions found in large proportions in biological fluids

Q10. Divalent magnesium and calcium ions are found in large proportions in biological fluids.
Answer : Option B
Explaination / Solution:

and  maintains the ion balance.