Permutations and Combinations - Online Test

Q1. The number of all possible positive integral solutions of the equation xyz = 30 is
Answer : Option A
Explaination / Solution:

Given xyz=30

We have the possible values of x ,y,z are the following triads 

First one can have 3!/2! = 3 ways and the remaining four triads can have 3! combinations 
Hence total combinations = 3 + 4*3! = 27 

Q2. Number of all 4 digit numbers with distinct digits is
Answer : Option D
Explaination / Solution:

To form a four digit number  with distinct digits we can use any four digits from the digits 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 without repetition 

Since 0 cannot come as the first digit of a four digit number( then it will be a three digit number) the first place can be filled by any of the 9  digits other than 0.

Now we have 9 more digits  left and since  repetition is not allowed the second place can by filled by any of these 9 digits

Similarly the third and fourth can be filled by any of the  8 and 7 digits respectively

Hence we get the four  places can be filled  together by  different ways.

Q3. The number of ways, in which a student can choose 5 courses out of 8 courses, when 2 courses are compulsory, is
Answer : Option B
Explaination / Solution:

Total number of courses available=8

Number of courses which are not compulsary=8-2=6

Since two courses are compulsory a student can choose them in  different ways.

The remaining 3 courses can be chosen from the  6 non-compulsory courses in 

Therefore total number of ways=.=

Q4. The number of ways, in which a student can select one or more questions out of 12 each having an alternative, is
Answer : Option B
Explaination / Solution:

Since a  student can solve each question in 3 different ways - either   he can attempt the  first alternative ,or the second alternative or he can leave it unanswered.

Hence number of ways in which a student can attempt one or more of the 12 given questions =

Now we can consider a case that the student leave all the 12 given questions unanswered.

The number of ways, in which a student can select one or more questions out of 12 each having an alternative= 


Q5. 20 students can compete for a race. The number of ways in which they can win the first three places is (given that no two students finish in the same place)
Answer : Option D
Explaination / Solution:

for first place we have 20 students, for second we have 19 and for the third we have 18


Q6. The number of ways of dividing 52 cards equally into 4 sets is
Answer : Option C
Explaination / Solution:

 If 4n things are to form 4 equal groups then the numbers of ways are  
 Hence number of ways to divide 52 cards to form 4 groups of 13 cards each = 


Q7. The number of three digit numbers having atleast one digit as 5 is
Answer : Option C
Explaination / Solution:

First we will find the  number of three digit numbers (i.e, numbers from 100 to 999)which can be formed using the digits 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8and 9 with repitition allowed .

Now we have the first place can be filled by any of the 9 digits other than 0 and since repetition is allowed the second and third can be filled by any of the ten digits.

Hence the total number of three digit numbers will be = 

Now we will consider the case that the number does not have the digit 5.

Now the  first place can be filled by any of the 8 digits other than 0 and 5 and since repetition is allowed the second and third can be filled by any of the 9 digits other than 5.

Hence the total number of ways we can form a  three digit number with out 5 will be =

Therefore the number of three digit numbers with atleast one 5=

Q8. 5 boys and 5 girls are to be seated around a table such that boys and girls sit alternately. The number of ways of seating them is
Answer : Option C
Explaination / Solution:

If there are n objects to be arranged in circular order the no of permutations possible=

First we will make the 5 girls around the table and this can be done in  , different ways

Now  we have 5 places available between these girls and the 5 boys can be seated in these 5 available places in , different ways

Hence the 5 boys and 5 girls can be arranged in ways

Q9. The total number of numbers from 1000 to 9999 (both inclusive) that do not have 4 different digits
Answer : Option D
Explaination / Solution:

First we will find the number of four digit numbers that can be formed using the digits 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9  with repetition .

The first place can be filled by any of the 9 digits other than 0, and the second, third and the fourth places each  can be filled by any of the ten digits

Hence the total number of ways of forming a four digit number = 

Now we will find the number of four digit numbers in which nall the digits are distinct 

The first place can be filled by any of the 9 digits other than 0, and the second, can be filled by any of the remaining 9 digits since repetition is not possible

Similarly  third and the fourth places each  can be filled by 8 and 7 digits respectively

Hence the total number of ways of forming a four digit number  with distinct digits b= 

The total number of numbers from 1000 to 9999 (both inclusive) that do not have 4 different digits=

Q10. If P(n,r) = C(n,r) then
Answer : Option A
Explaination / Solution: