Organisms and Populations - Online Test

Q1. Age groups among human population includes all except
Answer : Option C
Explaination / Solution:

Age groups among human population includes reproductive, pre-reprouctive and post reproductive growth. It do not includes embryonic phase growth.

Q2. “In Competition, the superior competitor eliminates the inferior one”, this statement is called:
Answer : Option B
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In competition, superior competitor eliminates the inferior one. This statement is called Gause’s competitive exclusion principle. Two closely related competing for same resources cannot co-exist indefinitely and inferior will be eliminated.

Q3. Diapause is shown by
Answer : Option C
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Dispause is a period during which growth and development is suspended and physiological activity is diminished to adverse environmental condition. Diapause occurs in monarch butterfly and silk worm.

Q4. An example of predation is
Answer : Option C
Explaination / Solution:

Biological control method adopted in agricultural pest control are based on the ability of predator to regulate prey population.

Q5. The term Darwinian fitness among populations living together signifies
Answer : Option A
Explaination / Solution:

The term Darwinian fitness among populations living together signifies the reproductive fitness of organisms population. Those species that can reproduce in between are called reproductive fitness.

Q6. Mediterranean orchid Ophrysensures pollination by
Answer : Option C
Explaination / Solution:

Mediterranean orchid Ophrys ensures pollination by co-evolution, sexual deceit and pseudo-copulation. One petal of flower bears an uncanny resemblance to female of bee in size, colour and markings.

Q7. Which should be considered more realistic growth model
Answer : Option B
Explaination / Solution:

Verhulst-Pearl logistic model of growth is more realistic growth model in comparison to exponential model of growth. Population growing in a habitat having limited resources shows sigmoid curve like growth before reaching to carrying capacity.

Q8. Phytophagous insects will be categorized as
Answer : Option B
Explaination / Solution:

The insect that feeds on plant sap and other parts of plants are called phytophagous. Phytophagous insects will be similar to predators and plants acts as prey.

Q9. Species facing competition might evolve mechanism that promotes co-existence rather than exclusion and that mechanism can be
Answer : Option B
Explaination / Solution:

Species facing completion might evolve mechanism that promotes co-existence rather than exclusion that mechanism is called resource partitioning. In which they avoid completion by choosing different times of feeding or different foraging patterns

Q10. Migration is an adaptation that should be categorised under
Answer : Option A
Explaination / Solution:

The organisms move away temporally from stressful habitat to more suitable habitat is called migration. Migration adaptation is a behavioral attribute.