Neural Control and Coordination - Online Test

Q1. While crying, tears come out of eyes but some watery fluid comes out of nose as well. This fluid is
Answer : Option D
Explaination / Solution:

While crying, tears come out of eyes. Sometimes water fluid also comes out of the nose as well. This water fluid coming out of the nose is due to excessive secretion of lacrimal glands.


Read the following :

i. insects have taste receptors on their feets.
ii. crickets have ears on the legs.
iii. snakes are highly sensitive to air borne sounds.
iv. frogs have colour vision.

Answer : Option D
Explaination / Solution:

Insects have taste receptors on their feets.These receptor are located at different regions to get stimulus more accurately. Crickets have ears on the legs and frogs have colour vision.

Q3. Mohan lacks one or more type of cone cells in the retina of his eye. So he will suffer from :
Answer : Option B
Explaination / Solution:

Colour perception of human eye is due to presence of cones in their retina. If one of more kinds of cones are missing from retina of eye, the person suffer from genetic disease called colour blindness.

Q4. Match the ear part and their shapes :
column A
a) Stapes
b) External auditory canal
c) Malleus
d) Incus

column B
i) anvil shaped
ii) hammer shaped
iii)S- shaped
iv) stir-up shaped
Answer : Option A
Explaination / Solution:

There are three differentkinds of bone present in middle ear of human beings to amplify the sound receivedby ear. Stapes is stir-up shaped, external auditory canal is S-shaped, Malleus is hammer shaped and incus is anvil shaped.

Q5. Ramesh is suffering from cough and cold. However his taste receptors are working quite well, yet his food do not give him characteristic flavour and is thus less enjoyable because :
Answer : Option D
Explaination / Solution:

During cough and cold, taste buds works properly but olfactory receptors present in nose are badly affected. Due to this foods become less enjoyable as smell play role in tasting food.