Matrices - Online Test

Q1. If where  then A is equal to
Answer : Option A
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If where then
Q2. If and then AB =
Answer : Option A
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Q3. Ifthen (adj A)=
Answer : Option C
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then B equals

Answer : Option D
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Q5. If for a matrix A, where I is the identity matrix, then A equals
Answer : Option D
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Q6. f A and B are two matrices such that A + B and AB are both defined, then
Answer : Option D
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If A and B are square matrices of same order , both operations A + B and AB are well defined.

Q7. From the matrix equation AB = AC we can conclude B = C, provided
Answer : Option D
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Here , only non- singular matrices obey cancellation laws.

Q8. If A and B are two non-zero square matrices such that AB = 0, then
Answer : Option D
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The product of two non-zero matrices can be a zero matrix iff one of the two given matrices should be singular.


If A and B are two matrices such that AB = BA and BA = A, then 

Answer : Option C
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Answer : Option C
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