Evolution - Online Test

Q1. According to Neo-Darwinism, natural selection operates through
Answer : Option C
Explaination / Solution:

According to Neo-Darwinism, natural selection operates through differential reproduction. During sexual reproduction gametes are formed by meiosis division in which crossing over brings about change in traits that leads to variation for natural selection.

Q2. Vermiform appendix in man, nictitating membrane and wisdom teeth are
Answer : Option B
Explaination / Solution:

Vermiform appendix in man, nictitating membrane and wisdom teeth are vestigial organs of human beings. These organs are functional in our ancestors but in present human beings they have become functionless and only present as remain.

Q3. Selective breeding of organisms (Animal husbandry and plant breeding programs) for specific desirable characteristics are examples of
Answer : Option C
Explaination / Solution:

In animal husbandry and plant breeding, specific desirable characteristics are obtained by selective breeding. The plants or animals having specific traits are crossed to obtain required traits. It is a kind of artificial selection.

Q4. Select the correct statement from the following:
Answer : Option B
Explaination / Solution:

In organic evolution, fitness is the end result of the ability to adapt and gets selected by nature. Darwinian variations are small and directional. Mutation is sudden change in gene and all mammals have vertebrae.

Q5. Why, according to our reading, did Darwin take so long to publish the Origin of Species?
Answer : Option C
Explaination / Solution:

Charles Darwin knew that once he announced his findings, he would become the center of a debate between religion and science. He knew he would shake everything that people had believed for so long. Darwin waited 20 years to present his work to the public.

Q6. Which of the following examples of variation is not important from an evolutionary standpoint?
Answer : Option D
Explaination / Solution:

Biological evolution refers to the cumulative changes that occur in a population over time. Non-genetic changes that occur during an organism's life span, such as increases in muscle mass due to exercise and diet,differences due to health, age or accident that have no affect on an individual's ability to survive and reproduce cannot be passed on to the next generation and are not examples of evolution.

Q7. Which one of the followings is also called Sewall Wright Effect?
Answer : Option D
Explaination / Solution:

Sewall Wright was the chief developer of the mathematical theory of genetic drift, which is sometimes known as the Sewall Wright effect, cumulative stochastic changes in gene frequencies that arise from random births, deaths, and Mendelian segregations in reproduction.

Q8. Praying mantis is a good example of
Answer : Option A
Explaination / Solution:

The Praying Mantis is a large insect from the order of Mantodea. It's called the "Praying" Mantis because it often stands in a pose that looks like it is praying. Many animals have evolved to exhibit some form of camouflage, which is an adaptation that allows animals to blend in with certain aspects of their environment Praying Mantids use camouflage to hide from predators and sneak up on prey. Different species vary in color from dark brown to green. These colors allow them to blend into their natural surroundings such as tree bark or green plant leaves.

Q9. The animals of cold countries have relatively shorter and poorly developed ear, eyes, hair and other phenotypic characters. This is known by which law?
Answer : Option B
Explaination / Solution:

Allen's rule. The principle holding that in a warm-blooded animal species having distinct geographic populations, the limbs, ears, and other appendages of the animals living in cold climates tend to be shorter than in animals of the same species living in warm climates. The animals of cold countries have relatively shorter and poorly developed ear, eyes, hair and other phenotypic characters to avoid cold condition.

Q10. Adaptive ability is inherited because
Answer : Option D
Explaination / Solution:

An adaptive behavior is a behavior which contributes directly or indirectly to an individual's survival or reproductive success and is thus subject to the forces of natural selection. The adaptive ability of an organism is inherited to their next generation because it has genetic basis. The adaptive traits arise due to change in gene.