Complex Numbers and Quadratic Equations - Online Test


The points of the complex plane given by the condition arg. ( z ) = ( 2n + 1 ) , n  I lie on

Answer : Option A
Explaination / Solution:

Hence the points lie on the negative real semi axis z = x , x 0

Q2. If z = x + yi ; x ,y  R, then locus of the equation 

 R and b  C, b  0 are fixed, is

Answer : Option B
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which is a straight line

Q3. The complex number z which satisfies lies on
Answer : Option C
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which is the X-axis.

Q4. is
Answer : Option B
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Q5. is equal to
Answer : Option C
Explaination / Solution:

We have for a complex number x+iy   the argument or amplitude is a value of  satisfying 


If  then  is equal to

Answer : Option D
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Q7. If  is a cube root of unity , then the linear factors of  in complex numbers are
Answer : Option C
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Q8.  can be expressed as
Answer : Option D
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Q9. If  are non-real cube roots of unity then  + equals
Answer : Option C
Explaination / Solution:

If  are non-real cube roots of unity then we have either

Q10. The complex numbers z = x + iy ; x , y  R which satisfy the equation  lies on
Answer : Option D
Explaination / Solution:

Let z=x+iy