Chemical Coordination and Integration - Online Test

Q1. Glucose will be lost in the urine of patients suffering from :
Answer : Option C
Explaination / Solution:

Glucose will be lost in the urine of patients suffering from diabetes mellitus. It a chronic lifelong condition that affects our body ability to use the energy found in blood.

Q2. The correct matched pair out of the following is :
Answer : Option C
Explaination / Solution:

Glucagon hormone released from pancreas increase the sugar level in blood in case deficiency of glucose. Parathyroid hormone is not hypocalcemin and TSH is not a neurohormone.


Tanay is diagnosed with a tumor in his parathyroid. He will show out of the following symptoms
i. excretion of calcium in urine
ii. osteoporosis
iii. tetany
iv. deposition of calcium in kidney tubules

Answer : Option A
Explaination / Solution:

Parathyroid hormone is released from parathyroid glands that regulate calcium ions in the body. The person suffering from tumor of parathyroid show symptoms of osteoporosis and deposition of calcium in kidney tubules.

Q4. Some girls develop male secondary sexual characters like beard, moustaches, hoarse voice etc. This is called
Answer : Option B
Explaination / Solution:

Development of secondary sexual characters like beard, moustaches , hoarse voice etc in girls is called adrenal virilism. This occurs due to excessive secretion of adrenaline hormone.


Match the following :

DiseaseHormone source responsible
a) Cushion syndromei) hyposecretions from pars nervosa
b) Diabetes mellitusii) hyposecretion of mineralocorticoids
c) Diabetes insipidusiii) hyposecretion of glucocorticoids
d) Addison’s diseaseiv) hyposecretion from beta cells of pancreas

Answer : Option A
Explaination / Solution:

Cushing’s syndrome occurs hypo-secretion of glucocorticoids hormone. Diabetes mellitus is due to hypo-secretion of beta cells of pancreas. Diabetes insipidus is due to hypo-secretion form pars nervosa and Addison’s disease is due to hypo-secretion of mineral corticoids.

Q6. Girls blind from birth attain puberty earlier than normal due to :
Answer : Option D
Explaination / Solution:

Pineal gland releases Melatonin (a hormone) which is responsible for inhibiting Lutinising hormone and Folicle Stimulating Hormone that bring about puberty. Melatonin is secreated more in absence of light. In normal humans it is more released at night when it is released more. In blind girls, light is absorbed more at day whose effect continues at night. Hence, Melatonin is secreted less and LH and FSH are not inhibited more and puberty is experienced early.