Chemical Coordination and Integration - Online Test

Q1. A dwarf person showing stunted growth and mental retardation both, is a result of hyposecretion of
Answer : Option A
Explaination / Solution:

Hypothyroidism causes defective development and maturation of the growing baby leading to stunted growth (cretinism), mental retardation, low intelligence quotient, abnormal skin, deaf-mutism, etc.


Match the names of organ having isolated endocrine cells with hormone secreted by those cells :

a) Kidneyi) angiotensin
b) Liverii) Erythropoietin
c) Gastro-intestinal Tractiii) ANF
d) Heartiv) CCK


Answer : Option C
Explaination / Solution:

The atrial wall of our heart secretes a very important peptide hormone called ANF. Angiotensin I is produced by the action of renin (an enzyme produced by the kidneys) on a protein called angiotensinogen, which is formed by the liver. The juxtaglomerular cells of kidney produce a peptide hormone called erythropoietin. The gastro-intestinal tract secrete peptide hormone called CCK.


Match the following :

Column AColumn B
a) PTHi) Mineralocorticoid
b) Cortisolii) Inhibiting hormone
c) Aldosteroneiii)Collip’s hormone
d) Somatostatiniv) Glucocorticoid

Answer : Option C
Explaination / Solution:

pituitary thyroid hormone is also called as collip’s hormone. Cortisol is called as glucocorticoid hormone. Aldosterone is called as mineralocorticoid and somatostatin is called as inhibiting hormone.

Q4. The Prolactin inhibiting neurohormone is :
Answer : Option C
Explaination / Solution:

The Prolactin inhibiting neurohormone is dopamine. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that helps control the brain’s reward and pleasure centers.

Q5. Pituitary dwarfs will not show :
Answer : Option C
Explaination / Solution:

Pituitary dwarf hormone will show normal intelligence, stunned growth and inhibited growth of long bones. Pituitary dwarfs will no show mental retardation.

Q6. Read the following statements about gestational diabetes :

i. It must be controlled to protect baby’s growth and development.
ii. It puts women at risk for developing Type – 1 diabetes.
Answer : Option A
Explaination / Solution:

Gestational diabetes develops during pregnancy. It must be controlled to protect baby’s growth and development. This kind of diabetes never leads to develop type-1 diabetes.

Q7. Oral contraceptive pills contain estrogen and progesterone, that prevent
Answer : Option B
Explaination / Solution:

Oral contraceptive pill contain estrogen and progesterone that prevents the release of secondary oocyte from ovary. The secondary oocyte develops to female egg or ovum. Use of these pills prevents the ovum formation.

Q8. To exert their effect on the target cell, water soluble hormones will need to bind with
Answer : Option C
Explaination / Solution:

Hormones are released in trace amount from endocrine glands and to exert their effect on the target cell, water soluble hormones will need to bind with cell membrane bound receptors.

Q9. During adolescence phase, Sunil’s body became abnormally large due to excessive growth of bones of his lower jaw and limbs.This abnormality is called
Answer : Option C
Explaination / Solution:

Acromegaly is the abnormal growth of the hands, feet and face caused by over production of growth hormone by pituitary gland.

Q10. Which of the following is not matched correctly :
Answer : Option A
Explaination / Solution:

Adrenal cortex is mesodermal in origin. Adrenal medulla is derived from ectoderm, gonads is derived from mesoderm and thyroid and parathyroidis derived ectoderm.