Botany-Reproduction in Organisms - Online Test

Q1. Non-motile spores produced exogenously by constriction at the tips of special hyphae are called as
Answer : Option C
Explaination / Solution:

The plant body of fungi is called mycelium. A small portion of mycelium is called hyphae. Asexual reproduction in fungi occurs by development of constriction at the tips of hyphae called conidiophores.

Q2. Which of the following is not method of asexual reproduction
Answer : Option A
Explaination / Solution:

Conjugation is the mode of sexual reproduction in amoeba and some other Moneras. Cutting, grafting and budding are the mode of asexual reproduction without gametes formation.

Q3. Which type of vegetative propagation is present in bamboo
Answer : Option A
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Sucker is underground shoot that some stage emerges above the soil surface and gives rise to a new plant. It is initially nourished by parent plant but later become independent.

Q4. Development of fruit without fertilization is called
Answer : Option D
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Fruit formation without fertilisation results into seedless fruit. Parthenogenesis is development of new individual from unfertilised eggs. Parthenocarpy can be induced artificially using plant hormone auxin.

Q5. Which plant can propagated Vegetatively by leaf
Answer : Option A
Explaination / Solution:

Bryophyllum plants grow in marshy areas where seeds are not able to germinate. The leaf margin of Bryophyllum contains numerous plantlets before falling on muddy land.

Q6. Which of the following is not correct about artificial means of vegetative propagation
Answer : Option B
Explaination / Solution:

During vegetative propagation, new organisms are formed by single plant parts. So, new individuals are genetically similar to each other and there is no genetic variation.


Identify the organism and type of reproduction in figure below

Answer : Option B
Explaination / Solution:

Asexual mode of reproduction in yeast takes place by budding process in which small outgrowth develops on tips followed by karyokinesis. Same process is repeated several times to form chain of yeast cells.

Q8. The internal buds produced by Spongila is known as
Answer : Option A
Explaination / Solution:

Gemmules are internal buds found in sponges and are involved in asexual reproduction. It is an asexually reproduced mass of cells, that is capable of developing into a new organism i.e., an adult sponge

Q9. Hydra reproduce asexually by
Answer : Option D
Explaination / Solution:

In Hydra small outgrowth develops at the bottom side which grows into a bud. The well-developed buds detach from the parent body as new individual.

Q10. Corm is a modification of
Answer : Option D
Explaination / Solution:

Corm is an organ of perenation and vegetative propagation consisting of a short erect fleshy swollen underground stem. It store food material.