Biological Classification - Online Test

Q1. Cellular genes which are known to take part in producing cancer are termed as
Answer : Option C
Explaination / Solution:

Cellular genes which are known to take part in producing cancer are called cellular oncogenes. Cancer is caused due to uncontrolled division of cells to produce tumor on body.

Q2. Which one is important in nutrient recycle and act as decomposer and mineralisers of the biosphere
Answer : Option A
Explaination / Solution:

Fungi is important in nutrient cycle and acts as decomposer along with bacteria and mininerlisers of the biosphere to regular recycling of nutrients in the biosphere.

Q3. In fungus, food reserves is
Answer : Option D
Explaination / Solution:

In fungus, the food reserve is glycogen and fat. Different fungi contain different kinds of reserve food materials depending upon habitat and body structure of fungus.4

Q4. In which class of fungi the mushroom belongs to
Answer : Option D
Explaination / Solution:

The mushroom belongs to class Basidiomyces to kingdom fungi. Basidiomycetes produce basidiospores as reproductive units. The member of this group grows on dead and decaying matters.

Q5. Which is the possible region of respiration in bacteria
Answer : Option B
Explaination / Solution:

Bacteria belongs to kingdom Monera in which organism are unicellular and prokaryotic. Prokaryotic organisms lacks membrane bounded organelles like mitochondria where respiration occurs. In bacteria respiration occurs in mesosome.

Q6. A bacterium capable of tolerating extreme heat, dryness and toxic chemicals is probably having
Answer : Option C
Explaination / Solution:

A bacterium capable of tolerating extreme heat, dryness and toxic chemicals have ability to produce endospores inside the body that help them to tide over unfavorable conditions.

Q7. When a fresh water protozoan is placed in marine water
Answer : Option B
Explaination / Solution:

When fresh water protozoan is placed in marine water, the contractile vacuole disappear because the function of vacuole is to expel out excess water but in case of marine water, the water should be retained instead of getting expelled. If the contractile vacuole will not disappear the cell will get dehydrated.

Q8. The plant cells differ from animal cells in
Answer : Option D
Explaination / Solution:

The plant cells have an eukaryotic structure with prominent chloroplasts and cell wall mainly made of cellulose.

Q9. Plants complete their life cycle in two phase, saprophytic and gametophytic which occurs alternately called
Answer : Option D
Explaination / Solution:

The multicellular haploid plant structure is called the gametophyte, which is formed from the spore and give rise to the haploid gametes. The fluctuation between these diploid and haploid stages that occurs in plants is called the alternation of generations.

Q10. Sexual reproduction is by copulation of male and female followed by embryological development is characteristic feature of
Answer : Option D
Explaination / Solution:

The sexual reproduction in kingdom Animalia is by copulation of male and female followed by embryological development.