Animal Kingdom - Online Test

Q1. The limbless amphibian is
Answer : Option A
Explaination / Solution:

Ichthyophis is an amphibian which is limbless. Sometimes called as Asian caecilians. They are found in southeast Asia and the southern Philippines.

Q2. Air bladder is absent in
Answer : Option B
Explaination / Solution:

Air bladder is absent in chondrichthyes that help in floating in water.

Q3. The phylum in which adults exhibit radial symmetry and larva exhibit bilateral symmetry is
Answer : Option B
Explaination / Solution:

The animals of Phylum – Echinodermata have an endoskeleton of calcareous ossiclesand, hence, the name Echinodermata. All are marine with organ-system level of organisation. The adult echinoderms are radially symmetrical but larvaeare bilaterally symmetrical. They are triploblastic andcoelomate animals. Digestive system is complete with mouthon the lower (ventral) side and anus on the upper (dorsal)side.

Q4. Which group of chordates possesses sucking and circular mouth without jaws?
Answer : Option C
Explaination / Solution:

The organism beloging to class Cyclostomes have a sucking and circular mouth without jaws.They are primitive vertebrates. The cyclostomes are marine or fresh-water vertebrates.

Q5. Which among the following is oviparous?
Answer : Option A
Explaination / Solution:

Platypus is the oviparous that lays eggs.

Q6. Which phylum has comb plates for locomotion as their distinctive feature?
Answer : Option B
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The body of phylum Ctenophora bears eight external rows of ciliated comb plates, which help in locomotion

Q7. A fish that has electric organ is
Answer : Option A
Explaination / Solution:

Torpedo fish has electric organ. They are known for being capable of producing an electric discharge ranging from 8 to 220 volts depending on species.

Q8. In which of the organism, internal fertilisation is seen?
Answer : Option C
Explaination / Solution:

Most of the animals are not able to fertilize its own egg by sperms but in liver fluke, self-fertilization takes place. Earthworm also possess both male and female reproductive organ in same individual but not able to fertilize its own egg.

Q9. The endoskeleton is fully ossified and the long bones are pneumatic in
Answer : Option A
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Endoskeleton is fully ossified (bony) and the long bones are hollow with air cavities (pneumatic) in class aves.

Q10. The presence of milk producing glands is a unique characteristic feature of class
Answer : Option D
Explaination / Solution:

Mammalia are found in a variety of habitats – polar ice caps, deserts, mountains,forests, grasslands and dark caves. Some of them have adapted to fly orlive in water. The most unique mammalian characteristic is the presenceof milk producing glands (mammary glands) by which the young onesare nourished. They have two pairs of limbs, adapted for walking, running,climbing, burrowing, swimming or flying.