Aldehydes Ketones and Carboxylic Acids - Online Test

Q1. One mole of a symmetrical alkane on ozonolysis gives two moles of an aldehyde having molecular mass of 44u. The alkene is.
Answer : Option A
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2-butene on reductive ozonolysis will give CH3CHO which has molecular mass of 44u.
Q2. The compound formed as a result of oxidation of ethyl benzene by KMnO4 is
Answer : Option B
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Q3. Ketones are reduced to the corresponding alcohols by catalytic hydrogenation to form
Answer : Option B
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Ketones reduction give secondary alcohols.

Q4. Which of the following is correct?
Answer : Option C
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C2H5OH get oxidizes to CH3CHOand COCH3 group is important for iodoform.
Q5. Reduction of aldehydes and ketones into hydrocarbons using zinc amalgam and conc. HCl is called
Answer : Option C
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Clemmenson is the reaction of carbonyl compounds with Zn amalgam in presence of conc. HCl to convert them to alkanes.

Q6. The appropriate reagent for the transformation:
Answer : Option D
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For this reaction wolff Kishner reaction is used as –OH is acid sensitive group so clemmson cannot be used.

Q7. A mixture of benzaldehyde and formaldehyde on heating with aqueous NaOH solution gives
Answer : Option C
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They will undergo cannizaro reaction.

Q8. Which of the following has most acidic hydrogen?
Answer : Option B
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2,4-hexanedione will have active metylene group.

Q9. Clemmensen reduction of a ketone is carried out in the presence of which of the following?
Answer : Option C
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For Clemmenson we use Zn-Hg( conc HCl )

Q10. Which of the following statements is not correct?
Answer : Option C
Explaination / Solution:

Aldehydes and ketones have polar C=O group therefore they undergo nucleophilic addition reactions.