ME GATE 2014 - Online Test

Q1. In which of the following options will the expression P < M be definitely true?
Answer : Option D
Explaination / Solution:
No Explaination.

Q2. Find the next term in the sequence: 7G, 11K, 13M, ___
Answer : Option B
Explaination / Solution:
No Explaination.

Q3. The multi-level hierarchical pie chart shows the population of animals in a reserve forest. The correct conclusions from this information are: 

(i) Butterflies are birds 
(ii) There are more tigers in this forest than red ants 
(iii) All reptiles in this forest are either snakes or crocodiles 
(iv) Elephants are the largest mammals in this forest
Answer : Option D
Explaination / Solution:

It is not mentioned that elephant is the largest animal

Q4. Consider a 3 × 3 real symmetric matrix S such that two of its eigen values are a ≠ 0, b ≠ 0 with respective eigenvectors . If a ≠ b then x1y1 + x2y2 + x3y3 equals
Answer : Option D
Explaination / Solution:

We know that the Eigen vectors corresponding to distinct Eigen values of real symmetric matrix are orthogonal. 

Q5. If a function is continuous at a point,
Answer : Option D
Explaination / Solution:
No Explaination.

Q6. Divergence of the vector field 
Answer : Option C
Explaination / Solution:

Q7. An analytic function of a complex variable z = x + iy is expressed as f(z) = w(x, y) + iv(x, y), where i = −1. If u(x, y) = x2 – y2, then expression for v(x, y) in terms of x, y and a general constant c would be 
Answer : Option C
Explaination / Solution:

Given f(z) = w(x, y) + iv(x, y),  is analytic and x = x2 - y2
We know that if f(z) =  µ+iv  is analytic then C-R equations will be satisfied.
∂µ/∂x = ∂v/∂xy and ∂µ/∂y = -∂v/∂x
v = 2xy + c is correct answer

Q8. Consider two solutions x(t) = x1(t) and x(t) and x(t) = x2(t) of the differential equation  The Wronskian 
Answer : Option A
Explaination / Solution:

Given Differential equation is