Q1. Hydrogen is unique in behaviour because of its
Answer : Option D
Explaination / Solution:

It has extremely small size with no neutron. So it can lose and gain electron which make it unique.

Q2. Stable outer octet of electrons is achieved in chlorine atom during the formation of NaCl by:
Answer : Option D
Explaination / Solution:

Na lose its one electron forming Na+ while Cl gains the electron formimg Cl-

Q3. Which of the following is the correct IUPAC name?
Answer : Option A
Explaination / Solution:

While writing IUPAC name, alkyl groups are written in alphabetical order. thus lower locant 3 is assigned to ethyl. prefix di, tri or tetra are not included in alphabetical order


Oxidation and reduction always occur simultaneously, hence, the word “redox” was coined for this class of chemical reactions. In the following redox reaction, identify the species undergoing oxidation and reduction: 

Answer : Option C
Explaination / Solution:

In the above reaction oxygen is transferred from Fe3O4 to Al, so Fe3O4 is reduced while Al is oxidised.

As per definition of oxidation and reduction , loss of oxygen i.e  reduction occurs in Fe3O4   and  gain of oxygen i.e Oxidation occurs in  Al.

Q5. Group IlA of the periodic table consists of the six elements are collectively known as
Answer : Option A
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because their oxide and hydroxide are alkaline in nature and these metal oxide are found in earth's crust

Q6. In a homogeneous mixture,the components are

Answer : Option D
Explaination / Solution:

In a homogeneous mixture , (i) the components are mixed together completely , (ii) has a uniform composition throughout.

Q7. the rates of transfer of molecules from ice into water and of reverse transfer from water into ice are equal at atmospheric pressure and 273 K. Both the processes occur simultaneously and at the same rate so that the amount of ice and water remains constant. This process is called
Answer : Option C
Explaination / Solution:

Ice and water kept in a perfectly insulated thermos flask at 273K and the atmospheric pressure are in equilibrium state and the system shows interesting characteristic features. The mass of ice and water do not change with time and the temperature remains constant. However, the equilibrium is not static. The intense activity can be noticed at the boundary between ice and water. Molecules from the liquid water collide against ice and adhere to it and some molecules of ice escape into liquid phase. There is no change of mass of ice and water, as the rates of transfer of molecules from ice into water and of reverse transfer from water into ice are equal at atmosphere pressure and 273K.

Q8. dipole-dipole forces act between molecules that have
Answer : Option B
Explaination / Solution:

dipole dipole forces act between molecules that have a permanent electrical dipole moment,the partial charge of one molecule get attracted to the opposite charge of other molecule

Q9. in cycloalkanes carbon atoms form
Answer : Option D
Explaination / Solution:

Cycloalkanes contain single bond between the carbon atoms,they form ring structures and have the general formula CnH2n

Q10. Mendeleev relied on the similarities in the empirical formulas and properties of the compounds formed by the elements. He realized that some of the elements did not fit in with his scheme of classification if the order of atomic weight was strictly followed. He therefore
Answer : Option D
Explaination / Solution:

Mendeleev placed the elements with similar properties together