Interpersonal Skills - Online Test

Q1. Why Do You Want This Job?
Answer : Option A
Explaination / Solution:

This question gives you the perfect opportunity to showcase how much you know about the industry, the company, and its competitors. The ideal answer to this question should incorporate specific reasons why you want to work for this company, such as your excitement for its product lines or their unique positioning in the industry.

Q2. How Do You Handle Criticism?
Answer : Option A
Explaination / Solution:

This behavioral interview question is designed to find out more about your interpersonal skills. People who are easily offended are harder to work with so companies generally like to pick someone who can respond well to constructive criticism or opposing viewpoints. In your answer, be sure to illustrate that you know that no one is perfect and that you can respond positively to constructive criticism by taking steps to improve upon your weakness if the criticism is warranted.

Q3. Can You Tell Us A Little Bit About Our Industry?
Answer : Option A
Explaination / Solution:

You will thoroughly impress your interviewer if you are able to nail address this question with specifics. The more specific knowledge you can share about the industry, the more likely you are to get hired. It is good to talk about the industry’s past and present, but it is great if you are able to talk about the industry’s future and project where it is going. Not many applicants will take the time to learn about the industry at this level. So if you are able to effectively answer this question with specifics, interviewers will be impressed by the amount of effort you have put into your research and preparation.

Q4. Tell Us About Your Last Position?
Answer : Option A
Explaination / Solution:

When talking about your last position, talk about specific duties and responsibilities that you were tasked with. And when replying to this question, be sure to also briefly mention any accolades you may have been bestowed as a result of your work.

Q5. Have You Ever Held a Leadership Role?
Answer : Option A
Explaination / Solution:

A leadership role doesn’t have to mean a supervisory role. If you have ever been put in charge of a project, make sure to mention it and talk about how you handle the role. Even if you trained someone to do their job, that counts as leadership.

Q6. Are You Overqualified for this Job?
Answer : Option A
Explaination / Solution:

In this economy, the position you are applying for may very well be something you are in fact overly qualified for. However, that does not mean you have to admit that you are overqualified. Instead, you should state that there is always more to learn, even if your previous work experience and education gives you a huge edge over other candidates. Additionally, you should clearly state that your prior experience and education has no bearing on your quality of work. If anything, your qualifications will be of benefit to the company as they will not have to spend as much money and time catching you up on things. In addition, you should also reassure them that you are there to stay and work your way up instead of applying for other jobs with other companies that are more in line with your qualifications.

Q7. What is Your Work Style?
Answer : Option A
Explaination / Solution:

When asked this question during an interview, it is important to impress upon those interviewing you that quality of the final product is your top concern, and not the speed in which you are finishing the project. Your answer should demonstrate that you are careful, thoughtful, and meticulous in your work. However, your answer should also demonstrate that you have no problems meeting production deadlines. After all, time equals money to your employers

Q8. Can You Give an Example of When You Have Successfully Worked as a Team to Accomplish Something?
Answer : Option A
Explaination / Solution:

Knowing how to work with others is extremely important the workplace. To answer this question, talk about the specific project you tackled, the role you had in the project, and how the project turned out. Be sure to highlight any accolades or milestones you and the team achieved as a result of working together.

Q9. How Long Do You Expect to Work with Us?
Answer : Option A
Explaination / Solution:

To answer this question, do not simply just say “forever.”  Instead, here are some example answers you can give for the question:

  • I like stability.  As such I would love to stay with your company as long as there is opportunity for me to grow and make a difference.
  • I don’t plan on getting another job unless the company’s ethical standards no longer align with mine.  However, I do not see that happening as I have only applied to companies whose mission statements run parallel with my beliefs.
  • Working for your company has long been a goal of mine for a long time.  And as such, I don’t see myself working for anyone else if I am hired and the company allows me room to grow professionally and personally.

Q10. How Do You Handle Failure?
Answer : Option A
Explaination / Solution:

How a person handles failures and bumps along the road says a lot about them. You are resilient if you are able to bounce back from failure and succeed. In answering this question, think of an instance in which you failed for the first time but did not let the failure deter you from accomplishing the task at hand. Your answer should show your resiliency and grit.