Maths - Online Test


The volume of a sphere is increasing in volume at the rate of 3π cm3 / sec .

The rate of change of its radius when radius is 1/2 cm 
Answer : Option A
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Q2. If | adj(adj A) |=| A |9 , then the order of the square matrix A is
Answer : Option B
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Q3. A circular template has a radius of 10 cm. The measurement of radius has an approximate error of 0.02 cm. Then the percentage error in calculating area of this template is
Answer : Option B
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Q4. in + in+1 + in+2 + in+3 is
Answer : Option A
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Q5. The value of  is
Answer : Option A
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Q6. The order and degree of the differential equation  are respectively
Answer : Option A
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Q7. A zero of x3 + 64 is
Answer : Option D
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Q8. The value of sin1 (cos x), 0 x π is
Answer : Option C
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Let x be random variable with probability density function

Which of the following statement is correct?
Answer : Option B
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Q10. The equation of the circle passing through (1, 5) and (4,1) and touching y -axis is x2 + y2 − 5x − 6 y + 9 + λ (4x + 3y −19) = 0 where λ is equal to
Answer : Option A
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